Reliability, stability, and security are at our ioCORE. We understand the crucial nature of carrier and service provider networks, and we always prioritize reliability, stability, and security. At the same time, we also consider your capital and operating expenditure requirements. With ioTRAN, you can have a proven Cloud Communications Platform and class 5 Softswitch replacement with Unified Communications that offers advanced high availability, redundancy, and a wide range of application modules. We're excited to introduce you to the world of ioTRAN.
ioTRAN is your choice for:
- Class 5 Softswitch replacement and Unified Communications platforms
- Software or SaaS purchase and rental options
- High availability, redundancy, and configuration restoration
- Integrated billing, accounting, taxation, payment gateway, and pro-ration
- PBX, SIP Trunk, Fax, and Single Line/Residential
- Private/White Label partitioning and branding
- Customizable unified system portal
- Billing and Toll Fraud protection
- DDoS protection and mitigation
- Integrated SBC functionality for protection and security
- Advanced API interface
- Advanced phone and device provisioning
- Integrated call recording and fax
- Unified Communications with desktop and mobile applications
Call or Email today with any need you may have. We look forward to the challenge:
Download our ioTRAN Corporate brochure.